Ronin on Rails
Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day.
Give a fish a man and he’ll eat for weeks.
Vim: Insert debug statements according to filetype
I’ve got a little keybinding in my .vimrc file which inserts a debug statement into a file, and then saves it;
Using native DB functions with Ecto
I’m rewriting an app. in Elixir which uses a pretty hairy bit of SQL at its core, to select data from a MySQL database.
Building a web application with Phoenix & React.js - Part 2
This post follows on from Building a web application with Phoenix & React.js - Part 1 in which we covered setting up a Phoenix-powered JSON API
Building a web application with Phoenix & React.js - Part 1
There are a few guides which cover combining Phoenix and React.js, but they all seem to assume a certain level of knowledge about the javascript ecosystem, or use a particular combination of magical build tools.