
There are a few guides which cover combining Phoenix and React.js, but they all seem to assume a certain level of knowledge about the javascript ecosystem, or use a particular combination of magical build tools.

I like to build up from scratch, whenever I can. Otherwise, I don’t feel like I really understand what’s going on. So, I set out to build a web application that uses Phoenix to serve a JSON API, and a React.js single page application to consume it.

Our application will be a bookshelf manager, which allows you to manage a collection of books. Initially, all we’re going to do is store a list of books and render a list page with all the books on it, and a show page for a single book.


You will need the following tools installed locally;

Let’s get started.

Create the Phoenix application

mix bookshelf --no-brunch --database mysql

Enter “y” when prompted to Fetch and install dependencies? [Yn]

There are other options for the database. I’m just using mysql because I already have it installed, and I’m more familiar with it. Run mix help to find out the various options.

We won’t be using the default Brunch build tool, hence the --no-brunch flag.

That creates the skeleton of our application. Now create the database;

cd bookshelf
mix ecto.create

We’ll need a Book model. We’ll start with just a title, author, and the URL of a cover image;

mix phoenix.gen.json Book books title:string author:string cover_image_url:string

Using phoenix.gen.json indicates that we only want a JSON API for this resource, so we won’t get HTML views. You should see the following output;

* creating web/controllers/book_controller.ex
* creating web/views/book_view.ex
* creating test/controllers/book_controller_test.exs
* creating web/views/changeset_view.ex
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20151220100520_create_book.exs
* creating web/models/book.ex
* creating test/models/book_test.exs

Add the resource to your api scope in web/router.ex:

    resources "/books", BookController, except: [:new, :edit]

Remember to update your repository by running migrations:

    $ mix ecto.migrate

As per the prompts, edit the web/router.ex file, uncomment the api scope and add the resource;

scope "/api", Bookshelf do
  pipe_through :api
  resources "/books", BookController, except: [:new, :edit]

Then run the migration to create the books table;

mix ecto.migrate

Let’s add some seed data, so we’ve got something to work with.

Edit priv/repo/seeds.exs and add the following content;

alias Bookshelf.Repo
alias Bookshelf.Book

Repo.delete_all Book

Repo.insert! %Book{
  title: "The Checklist Manifesto",
  author: "Atul Gawande",
  cover_image_url: ",204,203,200_.jpg"

Repo.insert! %Book{
  title: "Elixir in Action",
  author: "Saša Jurić",
  cover_image_url: ""

Repo.insert! %Book{
  title: "Programming Phoenix",
  author: "Chris McCord, Bruce Tate, and José Valim",
  cover_image_url: ""

Run the script to add the data to our development database;

mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs

Now, we should have a working JSON API. Let’s test it. First, start the application;

mix phoenix.server

Now, in another terminal, let’s make a call to get the list of books;

curl http://localhost:4000/api/books | python -m json.tool
The ` python -m json.tool` is just a JSON pretty-printer. Leave it out if you don’t have it installed.

This should give us the following output;

    "data": [
            "author": "Atul Gawande",
            "cover_image_url": ",204,203,200_.jpg",
            "id": 1,
            "title": "The Checklist Manifesto"
            "author": "Sa\u0161a Juri\u0107",
            "cover_image_url": "",
            "id": 2,
            "title": "Elixir in Action"
            "author": "Chris McCord, Bruce Tate, and Jos\u00e9 Valim",
            "cover_image_url": "",
            "id": 3,
            "title": "Programming Phoenix"

So, the list call works. How about the show call, to get data for a single book?

curl http://localhost:4000/api/books/1 | python -m json.tool

This should produce;

    "data": {
        "author": "Atul Gawande",
        "cover_image_url": ",204,203,200_.jpg",
        "id": 1,
        "title": "The Checklist Manifesto"

OK, so now we have a working, if basic, API backend.

In the next part of this series, we’ll look at the more interesting part - building a React.js frontend.

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David Salgado



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