I use MySQL a lot, and I usually set up servers in pairs/groups for scaling and/or resilience. So, when I’m setting up a new server, I almost always have to start replication by doing the same little dance;
- SSH onto the master and record its master status
- Dump and load the data from the master onto the new slave
- Stop replication on the slave
- Issue a change master command on the slave, using the master status values
- Start replication
After the fiftieth or sixtieth time, this gets pretty tedious. So, I’ve written a little Ruby gem to simplify it. Under the hood, it does exactly the same steps, but it means I can now do the whole process by entering a single command.
Here’s an example;
$ sudo gem install mysql-slaver
$ mysql_slaver enslave --master-host mysqldb1 \
--database myapp_production \
--replication-user repuser \
--replication-password passwordrepl
2014-04-16 13:00:01 CMD: ssh mysqldb1 'mysql -u root -e "show master status\G"'
2014-04-16 13:00:02 MASTER STATUS - file: mysql-bin.000001, position: 5656568
2014-04-16 13:00:02 CMD: mysql -u root -e "stop slave"
2014-04-16 13:00:02 CMD: ssh mysqldb1 'mysqldump -h mysqldb1 -u root --master-data --single-transaction --quick --skip-add-locks --skip-lock-tables --default-character-set=utf8 --compress myapp_production' | mysql -u root myapp_production
2014-04-16 13:00:04 CMD: mysql -u root -e "stop slave; CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000001', MASTER_LOG_POS=5656568, MASTER_HOST='mysqldb1', MASTER_USER='repuser', MASTER_PASSWORD='passwordrepl'; start slave"
It’s pretty basic, and I’ve already outlined a bunch of features which I think it would be nice to add, but I’ve already found it very useful, and I hope other people will also.
Here is the repository on GitHub;
There are some pre-requisites and assumptions, which you can find listed out in the README
18/04/14 ETA
The gem now accepts –port and –sock parameters, if you are running mysql on a non-standard port, or using a socket file.
In both cases, the values must be the same on the slave and the master. i.e. if you’re using /tmp/mysql.sock on localhost, the gem expects that to be the socket file on the master, too, and the same for the port number.
22/04/14 ETA
You can now pass in –ssh_port [integer] if ssh is running on a non-standard port on the master server.
Invoking the enslave command with the –no_copy flag will change the slave’s master status to start replicating from the master server’s current log position, without copying the database.
15/08/15 ETA
Added –dry-run option (which outputs the commands which would be run, without doing anything)
Added –tables option (takes a space-separated list of tables, and only copies those tables from the target server)