
I’m rewriting an app. in Elixir which uses a pretty hairy bit of SQL at its core, to select data from a MySQL database.

When I’ve had to write similar code in Rails, I’ve found the in-built query language to be quite frustrating, and I’ve usually dropped down to raw SQL to get the job done. But, this is my first major Elixir project, so I decided to try and do everything using Ecto, and I have to say it’s a complete joy to use. Building up a very complex SQL statement from composable query clauses keeps the code very clear and concise. But, that might be the subject of another blog post. For this post, I just want to highlight one specific feature.

At one point in my SQL, I need to select the top N records from a table, in descending order of value. If there are records with the same value, I want a random selection.

In SQL, I would do something like this;

SELECT * FROM mytable ORDER BY `value` DESC, RAND() LIMIT 5;

Using Ecto, the first part is easy enough (assuming MyObject is an Ecto model);

from obj in MyObject,
  order_by: [desc: obj.value],
  limit:    5

Adding the RAND() part was a little trickier. My first try was this;

from obj in MyObject,
  order_by: [desc: obj.value, asc: "RAND()"],
  limit:    5

But, that just results in a SQL statement with the string literal 'RAND()' in the ORDER BY clause, which does nothing.

After a little bit of digging, I found Ecto’s fragment/1 function, which allows you to send expressions directly through to the database, with no interpolation. So, the working version of my code looks like this;

from obj in MyObject,
  order_by: [desc: obj.value, asc: fragment("RAND()")],
  limit:    5
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David Salgado



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